Bored with Bathing? Supercharge your Soak with these 5 tips
by Catherine Morris | March 17, 2021, updated over 3 years ago
If you think of bathing as just another way to get clean, you're doing it wrong. It’s so much more than immersing yourself in water and emerging dirt-free, it's also about having a stress-relieving, tension-easing, health-boosting experience.
Done properly, bathing is therapy. Whether you've been a blissed out bather your whole life, or you're a recent shower convert, read on to discover how to take your soak to the next level, and reap the physical and mental rewards of tub time.
1. Scented Soaking
Make 2021 the year you ditch traditional bubble baths. Given the scarily long list of endocrine-disrupting chemicals hiding in the average bubble bath, there are better choices. Essential oils will make your bathroom smell heavenly without compromising your health. According to aromatherapists, they will actually enhance your wellbeing.
Choose lavender if you have a hard time sleeping, peppermint if you're battling a headache, eucalyptus for a bad cold or sinus issues, or just mix and match your favourite smells for a mood-enhancing aroma.
A word of caution though—go easy on the oils, especially if you're new to them. These are powerful natural remedies that can be harmful to you, pets, and kids if used incorrectly. If in doubt, check out our Essential Oils Dos and Don'ts guide.
2. Get Salty
Salt is great for your skin, respiratory issues, and insomnia. So much so that people are now embracing 'float therapy' i.e. being immersed in salty water and floating there, buoyant and weightless, while the salt does its thing.
Turn your tub into your own personal float tank by adding a generous dose of epsom salts to the water. It's especially healing after a hard workout, and will ease those kinks and sore muscles so you don't end up wincing every time you move.
Insomniacs can also benefit from an epsom salt soak, and anyone low in magnesium (telltale signs of magnesium deficiency include brain fog, muscle cramps, and difficulty sleeping). If you struggle with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, salt soaks are another great way to alleviate itching and flaky skin.
3. Why Simply Bathe When You Can Sound Bathe?
Sound can be very healing—taking us away from our distracted brains and improving our overall well being.
Next time you fancy a dip, why not add some sound to your bathing routine? I'm obviously not suggesting you lie back in the bath and enjoy some heavy metal or high BPM pop music, but sounds like singing bowls and chanting can help ease any lingering stress you may have from the day, and get those good vibrational healing energies flowing.
4. Let There be Light
Light is just as important as sound for the ultimate bath time experience. Natural light can be very uplifting but if you go even further and get an infrared bulb for your bathroom you may see more potent health benefits.
Infrared light has become known as a safe, effective and non-invasive way to treat achy joints, lift your mood, ease pain, and help heal certain skin conditions.
5. Clear the Clutter
Clutter, both actual and metaphorical, is not doing you any favours. Messy surroundings can easily lead to busy heads and derail your health goals. So, before you start running that bath, take a look around and make sure your bathroom sets the right mood.
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of maximizing your environment for better health. According to practitioners, everything—from furniture to decorative art—can invite either positive or negative energy, depending on where you put it.
In terms of the bathroom, keep it light and airy. You might want to place candles in the south corner (which is associated with the fire element) and plants in the east or south east (associated with earth). Hang decorations that remind you of treasured memories or ignite your creativity, and consider artwork with relaxing, soothing colours.
Colour is key in getting the vibe right so think about the chakra colours and what you need from this bath–frustrated and angry after a fight with someone you love? Blue is the colour of communication and openness. Feeling lost and uncertain? Tune into your third eye with dark blue and purples. Feeling a bit 'meh'? Red is the colour of passion while green is associated with opening up the heart chakra.
Bathe Better, Feel Better
From hot springs to salt soaks, hydrotherapy has a long tradition of wellness, and there are many ancient cultures that appreciated the benefits of bath time.
A hot bath can lower your blood pressure, and improve heart health. It can also help you sleep better, reduce inflammation, and even boost your metabolism. To get all these amazing benefits all you have to do is walk into your bath and get the tap running. What are you waiting for?
If you're interested in any of the above wellness tools, we have a practitioner who can help you get started. From sound healers to meditation coaches, aromatherapists to physiotherapists, our health professionals are available for online consultations through our easy-to-use booking platform. Join the Which Doctor community today to unlock the benefits of better health.
Catherine Morris
Catherine Morris is an award-winning journalist with a bad case of wanderlust and a passion for all things health and wellness. Originally from Northern Ireland, she worked as a news and feature writer for media outlets in the UK, South Africa, France and the Caribbean before settling in Canada. Catherine now lives in Alberta with her husband and rescue mutt and spends her time happily exploring the great outdoors with both.