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Ashburn, VA
Acupuncture treatment uses needles to stimulate pressure points on the body to relieve pain and other ailments. By unblocking energy meridians, acupuncture therapy can restore balance to the body.
Art therapy uses imagery, colour and shape as part of a creative therapeutic process. Thoughts and feelings can be expressed that would otherwise be difficult to articulate.
Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners use eastern healing modalities to provide holistic care. This may involve Chinese herbs, acupuncture for energy healing, or other treatments.
Counsellors offer help with mental health issues via in-person sessions or online therapy. This can include couples counselling, family counselling, or therapy for depression.
Disability aware practitioners are hard to find. When practitioners confirm that their space takes accessibility seriously, we highlight them in this category.
Massage Therapy focuses mainly on the body's soft tissue. Treatments like reflexology and aromatherapy massage promote lymphatic drainage, relieve pain, and aid in relaxation.
Naturopathic medicine uses a variety of natural remedies to encourage the body to heal itself. It embraces many holistic therapies like herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and diet.
Physiotherapy treats and prevents sports injuries, back pain, and other physical issues. Using physiotherapy exercises and education, physical therapists aim to get you moving again.
Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works holistically to relieve stress and pain. It helps to increase relaxation, releases emotional blockages, accelerates natural healing and balances energy.
Sound therapy combines Eastern Medicine, Mindfulness and Neuroscience. Treatment types include sound baths, relaxation and healing sessions, sound healing for groups, therapeutic voice work and voice-scapes.
Yoga translated means “union”. In online yoga, yoga therapy, and yoga fitness classes, the practice's philosophical roots integrate with physical yoga poses to improve flexibility and balance.
Ashburn, VA