All About Acupuncture

Acupuncture treatment uses needles to stimulate pressure points on the body to relieve pain and other ailments. By unblocking energy meridians, acupuncture therapy can restore balance to the body.

Acupuncture Services

All About Art Therapy

Art therapy uses imagery, colour and shape as part of a creative therapeutic process. Thoughts and feelings can be expressed that would otherwise be difficult to articulate.

Art Therapy Services

All About Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners use eastern healing modalities to provide holistic care. This may involve Chinese herbs, acupuncture for energy healing, or other treatments.

Chinese Medicine Services

All About Counselling

Counsellors offer help with mental health issues via in-person sessions or online therapy. This can include couples counselling, family counselling, or therapy for depression.

Counselling Services

All About Disability

Disability aware practitioners are hard to find. When practitioners confirm that their space takes accessibility seriously, we highlight them in this category.

Disability Services

All About Massage

Massage Therapy focuses mainly on the body's soft tissue. Treatments like reflexology and aromatherapy massage promote lymphatic drainage, relieve pain, and aid in relaxation.

Massage Services

All About Naturopathy

Naturopathic medicine uses a variety of natural remedies to encourage the body to heal itself. It embraces many holistic therapies like herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and diet.

Naturopathy Services

All About Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy treats and prevents sports injuries, back pain, and other physical issues. Using physiotherapy exercises and education, physical therapists aim to get you moving again.

Physiotherapy Services

All About Reiki

Reiki is an energy healing treatment that works holistically to relieve stress and pain. It helps to increase relaxation, releases emotional blockages, accelerates natural healing and balances energy.

Reiki Services

All About Sound Healing

Sound therapy combines Eastern Medicine, Mindfulness and Neuroscience. Treatment types include sound baths, relaxation and healing sessions, sound healing for groups, therapeutic voice work and voice-scapes.

Sound Healing Services

All About Yoga

Yoga translated means “union”. In online yoga, yoga therapy, and yoga fitness classes, the practice's philosophical roots integrate with physical yoga poses to improve flexibility and balance.

Yoga Services

Popular Services

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Ashburn, VA





Rebecca Kat Holistic Life Coach

5.0 (0)

If we define our reality by measuring the world with our senses, our environment, and what we have been taught, we believe that only what we perceive around us is real. The truth is that life on earth is a temporary illusion. In fact, everything in the physical world is transitory. The only true constant is love – the power that creates and expands. Love knows no judgment or criticism; love just is. It is the characteristics of love that draw people and situations to us. When we do something out of love, we create more love, but when we do something for the sake of money or fame, for instance, we may get those things, but our hearts and souls will be left empty. When we live with love, it affects us with positive characteristics such as joy, happiness, compassion, and laughter. Take a few minutes and review some of the decisions and choices you made in your life. Were they from a place of love or fear? If you are happy and fulfilled, you are living in a loving space. However, if you feel unfulfilled, anxious, or insecure, you have let fear run your life, and you are living in the illusion of truth. From this moment on, become mindful of the choices you make. If you make a choice and then worry about the outcome, you are coming from a place of fear, but if you do something that makes you happy, you are coming from love. With love, anything is possible.

Browse Our Community


For The Queer, BIPOC, Poly and Sex Worker Communities Love Jones Empowerment

Love Jones Empowerment

For The Queer

5.0 (0)

I help transform relationships from bored and disconnected, to intimately connected with joy, passion and fun! I specialize in the Queer, BIPOC, Polyamorous and Sex Worker Communities.



Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation, Holistic Wellness Coaching Nourished Union

Nourished Union


5.0 (0)

We believe that living wellness is a right to all humans. That living in balanced mind, body and soul is more than a 'nice to have' on a to-do list. It is a right to all living beings and a way of living. Our mind-body-emotions-senses know how to heal and be in balance, much like nature. Though for most of us, this busy, bustling world has taken us off balance. Nourished Union believes in living well everywhere we go, in all aspects of life. Whether at home, work, on the road, or with family/friends – living your most conscious and connected life allows you to experience the now, come into balance and achieve living your most meaningful life. We believe in WELL WITHOUT BORDERS. Living well anywhere, anytime, anyplace. Nourished Union focuses on a truly holistic approach of balancing the mind, body, emotions and senses by leveraging the ancient practices of Yoga and Ayurveda, and applying them in the modern world. We leverage scientific research to support teaching these great tools and practices, along with coaching guidance on HOW to integrate the knowledge in a tangible way. We focus our work on lowering the affects of stress, balancing the nervous system and living consciously through preventative holistic health.



Naturopathic Doctor, IV Therapy, Acupuncture Provider Dr. Marillea Yu, ND

Dr. Marillea Yu, ND

Naturopathic Doctor

5.0 (0)

I am a Board-Certified Naturopathic Doctor in Ontario with a focus on Environmental Medicine and Intravenous Nutrient Therapy. I work with patients who are experiencing chronic health issues, autoimmune conditions and other health puzzles who are interested in getting to the bottom of their illnesses to improve their health as efficiently and effectively as is possible for them. I also enjoy working with those who are motivated to experience optimal health/wellness and are interested in pursuing preventative health measures. These patients are interested in improving their current output and performance while reducing their recovery time in times of stress or high performance requirements. As well as avoiding any chronic health conditions that may be present in their family history. My expertise lies in a thorough investigation of the intricate interplay between your health, unique genetic makeup and environmental/chemical exposure then identifying how it may be contributing to your health issues. As health investigator and wellness strategist, I use a thorough intake, relevant physical examination and both routine/specialized functional testing to determine your current state of health, and possible causes of your symptoms and illness, where necessary. A wellness blueprint/plan based on your health goals will be created. Your health blueprint will include various therapies such as nutrition (i.e. diet, supplements, intravenous therapy), botanical medicine, acupuncture, detoxification and drainage, lifestyle and stress management strategies, as well as relevant referrals to other health care providers, as needed. Subsequent follow ups are necessary and important in effectively and accurately monitoring your treatment plan and assessing the following factors: response to treatment and compliance, reassessment of timeline (i.e. is it necessary to prolong your current phase of treatment, or can we move on to the next), any new information in the form of test results, required testing and/or current research, etc.