World Wide Wellness—Release and Relax With Egyptian Energy Healing
by Catherine Morris | September 9, 2020, updated almost 4 years ago
From astrology to tarot cards, the classical elements of earth, fire, air and water have always fascinated mystics, seekers and healers.
An ancient form of Reiki, known as Seichem, aims to harness these elements—drawing on their power to remove emotional and spiritual blockages so the body can heal itself. Practitioners say they act as a conduit, channelling the elements and using symbols to clear stagnant energy, and direct new energy to where it's needed in the body.
The Story of Seichem
Seichem (also called 'Sekhem') has its origins in Ancient Egypt, in the time of pyramids, Pharaohs, Gods and Goddesses. It was first known to the west in 1980 when American peace corps worker Patrick Zeigler spent a night in the Great Pyramid of Giza. That night, in his unconventional resting place, he had an intense energy experience. This spurred him onto a spiritual quest, during which he studied Sufism and other mystical arts. He eventually brought Seichem energy healing to the US in the mid-1980s.
What is Seichem?
Conventional Reiki focuses on earth energy while Seichem taps into all four elements. While there are around four main symbols used by reiki practitioners, Seichem masters use more than 30—some of which are drawn from Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Seichem was widely adopted within the Western reiki community, and various forms sprang up as the practice evolved. Seichem practitioner Liliana Chamberlain offers Seichem Tera Mai, a style developed by reiki master Kathleen Milner, which incorporates Buddhist philosophy.
Chamberlain learned her craft from a Seichem master she describes as, “the walking personification of serene.” She was already familiar with reiki when she began her studies, but says she was drawn to Seichem in particular because of its focus on mind, body, and soul, “I wanted that mental, spiritual and emotional aspect so I could help clients in a more holistic way. Seichem has more to offer [than conventional Reiki].”
What to Expect From a Seichem Session
When it comes to energy healing, every practitioner has their own style. Some are wholly hands-off while others use light touch. Some are silent throughout, some incorporate sound.
Chamberlain uses a variety of techniques, depending on what her client needs and their comfort level. In an hour-long session, clients might receive some light touch on their knees, elbows, feet, head, ears and eyes. Her hands hover over chakra areas, and the rest of the body as she uses symbols to focus intention.
Chamberlain explains—
“I drain energy that is stuck and then fill the body with energy at a high vibration. I use different hand positions to facilitate energy into the body. When you channel these elements [of earth, fire, water and air], you open yourself up so that they can come in and help the client with whatever they need. I use symbols with intention to help people achieve what they want to achieve.”
As she works over a client's body, Chamberlain says they might feel heat, a cooling sensation, or even a gentle tingling. She experiences those energies too, noting that—channelling the earth element makes her hands feel heavy and her skin tighten; working with fire gives her a prickly feeling; water creates a throbbing sensation, as if something is flowing through her skin; and air is a “fresh” feeling.
If appropriate, Chamberlain will also take clients through a guided meditation, which she says is particularly helpful when there's something specific they want to deal with and let go.
At the end of the session, most folk feel blissfully relaxed. Chamberlain says it's not unusual for clients to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed and calm. Others might have unexpected reactions—“Some people release emotions, they cry or do whatever they need to do.”
Seichem can also be done online with the practitioner using a prop in place of the person's body and linking their intentions to the clients needs as they would during an in-person meeting.
Why Try Seichem?
Seichem practitioners say it can help people process emotional trauma and painful memories, as well as treating anxiety, stress, depression and pain.
Chamberlain says it helped her deal with chronic stomach pain, not only relaxing her body, but helping her reframe how she processed and dealt with her discomfort. She warns that it's not a cure-all, but a way to examine where a person's pain originates, and to treat or alleviate emotional factors that might be blocking healing—
“It can help if you want to manifest something or remember something you have forgotten from a past life or your childhood, or if you want to open your heart and let go of limiting thoughts that you want to release. We get to the blockage that gave you this conflict or symptom, and once you release that, you can remove it from your system and move on. You have to do the emotional work. It is not a magic pill where I put my hands over you and then you're fixed. It's a process.”
What Kind of Outcome Can I Expect?
One of Chamberlain's proudest moments as a Seichem practitioner came when she helped a child overcome her social phobia. The girl's mother approached Chamberlain in desperation—her daughter was refusing to attend a school camp after developing a fear of sleepovers.
Anxious that her daughter would miss out on a great experience, the mother asked Chamberlain to do a Seichem session. Mother and child attended the session, during which Chamberlain performed the reiki, followed by meditation and drumming. She says it was an uplifting experience—“They held hands and cried together. At some deep emotional level there was a change. The girl later went to the camp, and had a blast.”
Stories like this are not unusual in her practice, and Chamberlain says Seichem is a safe, non-invasive treatment that's suitable for all ages, and all conditions. She urges anyone who's curious to give it a try, saying—“This is a therapy done with love. The worst that can happen is that you leave feeling calm, serene and very relaxed, so there's nothing to lose.”
If you're interested in Seichem reiki, reach out to Liliana Chamberlain to schedule an appointment today. Alternatively, browse our extensive network of reiki practitioners offering a variety of virtual or in-person services to find a style that suits you.
Catherine Morris
Catherine Morris is an award-winning journalist with a bad case of wanderlust and a passion for all things health and wellness. Originally from Northern Ireland, she worked as a news and feature writer for media outlets in the UK, South Africa, France and the Caribbean before settling in Canada. Catherine now lives in Alberta with her husband and rescue mutt and spends her time happily exploring the great outdoors with both.