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Saturday, March 15

4:00pm — 4:30pm (UTC)

In Clinic Session

Julia Day CranioSacral & Body-Mind Therapies

Sessions are professional, safe and deeply honor each client's personal path and orientation. They naturally facilitate access to greater health, joy, self-esteem, laughter, structural alignment and spiritual clarity.

Some specific modalities may include: craniosacral therapy, somato emotional release, visceral manipulation, myo-fascial unwinding, lymph drainage therapy, esoteric healing, sound healing, therapeutic dialogue & imagery; Inner child, masculine, feminine & sub-personality integration; past lives, dream work, chakra clearing, grounded meditation, inner guidance, expressive movement and spiritual counselling, but mainly; a pure natural light-heartedness that helps us to align with our own true Self where we will find all the wisdom and love we could ever need to guide us through life's challenges and transitions from birth through death.

I am also honoured to serve as a spiritual death doula and I also love working with all kinds of animals, but especially dogs, and with infants, children and teenagers. Skype long-distance sessions are a powerful option for energy/awareness/alignment/embodiment-focused sessions.

1 1/2 hr CranioSacral Session

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Saturday, March 15

4:00pm — 4:30pm (UTC)

In Clinic Session

1 1/2 hr CranioSacral Session

Only $165

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