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Monday, March 10
4:00pm — 4:30pm (UTC)
In Clinic Session
Inner Moves Wellness Centre
WELLNESS & ENLIGHTENMENT Inner Moves is a multi-dimensional approach to enhancing your life from the inside out, offering a comprehensive program of transformational Movement and meditation classes, Bodywork and energy work, Personal and group retreats, Celebrations in nature.
Scientific studies have proved that conscious people have greater health! The body issues we have are not necessarily physical in origin, although they present physically. Consciousness can be aware of thoughts, and choose thoughts that bring forth positive emotions, tapping into the subconscious that creates body cells and connecting to high self where healing begins. The more you are actually in and sensing your body's messages, the easier it is.
LOMIOMI MASSAGE An ancient Hawaiian healing art shared through the spirit and touch of Aloha
CHAKRA PROFILE AND CONSULTATION Discover which chakras (energy centers that link with major glands) are open, closed or spinning backwards, and learn what this means for your physical and emotional health and spiritual well-being.
GALL BLADDER & LIVER CLEANSE ~ FEEL LIGHTER! Gall 'stones' actually consist mainly of rubbery cholesterol. Cholesterol is a vital substance - if your body doesn't get it from the food you eat, your liver produces it. The key is to keep the cholesterol mobile.
PH NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT DIGESTIVE VALVE TUNE-UP When digestive valves are stuck, toxins are recirculating instead of being released. The blood is dirty and the immune system is overburdened. This can cause skin disorders, joint issues, various 'itises', indigestion, acid reflux, diarrhea, head-aches, foggy thinking, depression etc. Simple adjustments involve Touch for Health muscle testing and acupressure for neural and lymphatic points, followed by an eating plan to heal the intestinal lining. This is offered as part of The Cleanse Personal Retreat.
NIANia is an exhilarating movement practice that combines dance, martial arts and healing arts. Some have called it the exciting, aerobic "cousin of yoga" due to the combination of movement awareness and fitness that it creates.
SOMATIC YOGA Transform your relationship with your body and the universe, using your felt-sense to move from the inside out into yoga poses.
MEDITATION Strengthen and calm the physical heart while nourishing and expanding the soul heart. Experience self-love, enjoy challenge without stress, and attain a mystical experience of unity.
Digestive Valve Tune-Up 1hr
Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.
Monday, March 10
4:00pm — 4:30pm (UTC)
In Clinic Session
Digestive Valve Tune-Up 1hr
Only $70
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