Virtual Wellness Appointments can consist of either Natural BioEnergetics, Wellness counselling and/or BioResonance work. When the restrictions are over, we will open up for regular in person appointments (including ionic foot detoxifications, laser appointments, block therapy & more).
Do not use the Booking Button offered by Which Doctor, Their system does not suit our needs. Use the Link Below:
Appointments range roughly 60 to 90 minutes. If BioResonance, we can do all the manual programming during the session and run the final auto sequence after appointment is finished to complete your treatment.
Natural BioEnergetics Generally are complete within one hour but if we need to continue past the hour, the 90 minute slot gives us enough time to complete it in.
In person appointments will resume when pandemic is over. It is not our choice to remove personal appointments. This is just the direction that our association has taken. However, Both Natural BioEnergetics and BioResonance works well by distance through video appointments.
Once registered, a link will be sent to you just before appointment to log in. We utilize zoom software for these appointments.
Do not use the Booking Button offered by Which Doctor, Their system does not suit our needs. Use the Link Below: