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Monday, January 6

6:00pm — 7:30pm (UTC)

Online Session

Disruptive Integration

Disruptive Integration is a philosophy & a platform. It seeks to support our journey of integrating the disruptive patterns in our experiences. Unlocking the potential within each of us, to step thru a doorway into whole-life living and wholehearted leadership.

Whole-life living is about assessing and supporting each realm of our lived experience- our mind, our body, our spirit and our emotions - to ensure that we are able to experience equilibrium [or a state of calm ] regardless of our external circumstance. In this state of equilibrium we are more fully ourselves and more fully able to create space and place in our lives for insight, understanding, awareness and gentle action.

From this state of calm, with the insights harvested we can move courageously into bridging the gap between our expectations and our experiences.

Wholehearted leadership is about developing the awareness, skills, knowledge and experiences essential for leading - first and foremost yourself - and after that, all others. Just as the world is shifting and changing, we must shift and change our models of leadership. The old command & control model is ill-suited for a dynamic world of change, innovation, collaboration and possibility.

Leadership requires us to stand on the shoulders of those who came before, as we craft a path forward into a world only dreamed of by those who came before. It requires courage, vulnerability, curiosity and a celebration of the awkward teachable moments that life brings all of us.

Most of the work is done with a mix of individual self- assessments, reflection learning, the gentle art of self-confrontation, action orientated small steps to guided resources; along with connection to intentional communities; some small group coaching via online gathering spaces & places for conversations that matter.

There are plans for live events offered as well thru out the year, for graduates of any of our programs to register for and participate in

If any of this interests you, or sparks some sort of response or resonates with you - please reach out and lets have a chat. It may be that we not are suited to work together and that is okay. There may be something else that comes of it, wether that be a tip, or idea, a resource or some encouragement. You are here, reading this for a reason. Lets touch base and see if we can find out what that is for you and the life you are living.


Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Monday, January 6

6:00pm — 7:30pm (UTC)

Online Session

Discover the Principals behind Disruptive Integration [DI] & how to apply those to your own journey. How to DIYourself. Included in this introduction; self-assessments; a map of the landscape you are living in; the gentle art of self-confrontation; whats the gap? & action orientated plans to bridge the gap

Only $95

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