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Tuesday, March 11
3:00pm — 4:00pm (UTC)
Online Session
In Sanātana/Hindu and tantric/yogic traditions and other belief systems chakras are energy points or knots in the subtle body. Chakras are part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels, called nadiis. Nadiis are channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana), or vital energy moves. Various scriptural texts and teachings present a different number of chakras. There are many chakras in the subtle human body according to the tantric texts. There are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones.Their name derives from the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “turning”, but in the yogic context a better translation of the word is ‘vortex or whirlpool’Chakra clearing is a session that balances the chakras to what you need. Its done through various methods that will be decided individually