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Monday, February 24

12:00pm — 1:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

John Metatron

It's a challenge to write about one's self as where is the line between self promotion and authentic being.

If our lives are a canvas that we paint, what becomes of the finished painting.

Each stroke of our personal paintbrush brings us closer or farther away from our authentic self. Often the more strokes we create with a certain brush (lets say fear for instance) will take us further away from our truth (Self). It takes time, insight, courage and determination to throw away the old paintbrush and pick up a new one with which to continue painting with, for we have no knowing of what lays ahead and as we have been conditioned to having expectations, this new brush stroke can be all too frightening.

Don't despair though as the painting becomes richer and more vibrant with both the original textured colours and the newer ones being added. It's a process of evolution and as true creators of ourselves we will continue to do this until the last paint stroke is applied.

During this rich and fascinating process one often asks themselves what brush or colour to use next and then the doorway opens and one is propelled forward. If this doorway is unable to be opened by ones self then you will seek help to open it.

To assist in another's painting is a gift and a privilege, as its truly that for which I acknowledge as one’s own on-going Master Piece.

Long Distance Healing

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Monday, February 24

12:00pm — 1:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

LDH’s are powerful mechanisms used to facilitate everything you would experience in a local healing, however only without being physically in a room with me. Nevertheless, the LDH keeps it ́s one-on-one nature, just over a distance/non-local.

Only $150

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