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Tuesday, March 11

5:00pm — 5:30pm (UTC)

Online Session

Positive Enlightenment by Ameenah

What is my role when I say, I help people?
With my natural ability to feel people’s feelings I started working with people. Sense their fears, doubt, and lower vibrating energies, become the channel and instrument to guide them to raise their energy by clearing their blocks. Healing and teaching them to live their life to their fullest. When they move their energy onto a higher scale of human consciousness the Whole Universe supports and conspires to make things happens. Whether its physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. As a natural clairsentient I started working with life force energy (reiki)and combine my hypnosis skills to clear their energy blocks, traumas, old belief system to make them resonate with lighter frequency of love, joy, peace and put them on the path for seeking enlightenment.

What is Rapid Transformation Therapy?
Do you have issues such as insomnia, smoking, fears and phobias, sexual problems, money blocks, fertility, and even anxiety or depression? What if I can tell you that I can help you find the cause of your issue? What if I can tell you that in 1-3 sessions you can be released from this cause and issue? Still interested? How am I going to do it? The answer is Rapid Transformational Therapy or RTT.
When we take the best features of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, and Neurosciences and combine them we get RTT, an extremely effective therapy that focuses on finding the root cause or causes of your issues that’s stopping you from unlocking your potential. Other forms of therapy take months or sometime years to be effective, and then only the symptoms are treated not the actual cause of your issue.

30 minute Spiritual Coaching 50% off

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Tuesday, March 11

5:00pm — 5:30pm (UTC)

Online Session

What is Spiritual Coaching? Find your superpower. In a nut shell if you can find your superpower and you can climb any mountain. Connecting with your inner self is like a superpower that opens door for unlimited potential. Every soul possess this power, our personality is made of our beliefs. Our beliefs condition our personality and the number one belief that impacts our personality is that we are different and separate, we are controlled by our ego which results in setting our frequency as dense. In this sequence of events we lose the pleasure of living life with our super power (our soul power), which in turn leads us to feel lots of anxiety, life seems purposeless and we lose our sanity. Nothing can give peace in this situation. No material things give pleasure or satisfaction. There comes the calling of your soul once you harmonize between personality and soul power. Life becomes meaningful and purposeful in every aspect. Non local domains give us plenty of signs of this connection, when we are in harmony and in balance we receive messages from nature, people, and see miracles. Aligning yourself with divine self gives us freedom. As a Spiritual Coach I can guide you to see the presence of this divine source and help you start your journey.

Only $75

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