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Monday, March 10

9:00pm — 10:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Soul Full Solutions

Embrace the Journey
Hello Shining Lights! I’m Donna Fairhurst, the Chief Evolving Officer of Soul Full Solutions. I am a Life & Soul Transition Coach, as well as a Holistic practitioner with a lot of tools and healing modalities in my kit.
Like most of us I earned my Master’s degree in the University of Earth the hard way. I was stuck in victim consciousness: resisting every transition. Some were gut-wrenching & soul wracking while a few tried to kill me. Once, I even contemplated doing it myself.
I earned my PhD in Life when I finally embraced my journey/lessons learned from blindness, polio, cancer, bankruptcy, 3 near death experiences and the emotional devastation of divorce/multiple relationship failures.
49 moves and 18 career shifts later I stoically pulled it together. Thinking that I had arrived at the pinnacle of my life I declared loudly to the universe that I didn’t need anyone or anything. God laughed; loudly! Love found me at 54 when I stopped looking and while I tried resisting, HARD, it didn’t work.
I chose to be Grounded, Calm, and Centered. Here. Now. I surrendered and embraced Human Being rather than Human Doing. I accepted the unique skills that my journey had brought forth and launched Soul Full Solutions.
At the age of 64, when most women are contemplating retirement I chose to live large. In doing so, I found my true-life purpose.
I am a Transition Coach. I empower professional women, and a few brave men, to embrace their unique journey through transition on every level of their being: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
If you’re stuck, stalled, or just on pause, let’s get you back into the driver’s seat of your life. Together we will action and realize Soul Full Solutions for you with my powerful Zero 2 Clarity Coaching programs.
Just a few of the tools we’ll explore together are the AFFIRMATION TOOL KIT, YOUR TRUE COLOURS, the PRINCIPLES OF CALM and SURRENDER, the POWER OF I AM, INFINITE UNITY and SACRED SOUL/SELF. You’ll learn how to pivot powerfully through any transition you face.
I know you’re curious! To learn more & register for your 30 min Complimentary Zero to Clarity Session (valued at $100.00)
email donna@soulfullsolutions.ca
phone (778) 622-1743.
Need to know more? Check out everything I do at www.soulfullsolutions.ca

Meditaion & Affirmation Sessions

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Monday, March 10

9:00pm — 10:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Guided Custom Affirmations & Meditation Healing Session

Only $100

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