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Friday, March 14

6:00pm — 7:30pm (UTC)

Online Session

Mindful Intentions

My life's purpose and purest intention for all humanity is to help others achieve a true sense of inner peace, happiness & joyful living. Our true essence, our life's force of energy that lives within is pure and powerful and living connected to this abundant inner resource can have incredible affects on our overall health & well-being.

In early 2010, I opened my intuitive energy healing practice to begin offering those-in-need a guiding light toward re-uniting clients with their innermost purest sense of self. As an Intuitive Empath, being able to understand one’s mental, emotional and physical energies has served as a fundamental element in achieving transformative results in my practice and my natural evolve through the years since my near death experiences has ignited a deep passion within me to help raise the vibration of this lifetime.

As my life continues to be on a journey of understanding the vastness of our true nature, my undying passion will forever be connected to soulful living. The human experiential process is very powerful energetically and can have profound effects on your path in life. Living a life of unsettledness is NOT necessary but understanding your truth IS.

INTUITIVE EMPATHS are highly intuitive beings who have an innate ability to connect & communicate with all forms of life; nature, nature's creatures, domesticated animals, living human beings, passed loved ones and the higher realm where we all belong and will ultimately return. Naturally able to tune-in and receive the energies of others can allow for an Intuitive Empath to serve very well in the healing environment. Helping others understand their Truth energetically can create life changing experiences and transformative results in one's life.

NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCERS quite often upon their return, unconsciously and progressively evolve into Beings of higher knowledge & wisdom. We are 'divinely designed' and there are so many signs available for us to find during our journey here on earth. Being open with a willingness to engage in your daily living can set you on a path to connecting within and creating a life worth living.

Spiritual Counselling

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Friday, March 14

6:00pm — 7:30pm (UTC)

Online Session

Loving guidance for spiritually-minded individuals who are seeking a deeper level of understanding. Your session will offer you insight into your life and beyond.

A journey of self-discovery to explore:
How you are currently living your life. Did you know that your current path in life is being determined by which way YOU are choosing to live? There are POWERFUL circumstantial differences between 'mind-based' versus 'heart-based' living.
Experience how becoming more mindful will help you to live in the Present rather than in the Past.
Access your inner-self and gain a greater knowledge into your true nature. ​
Understanding your truth and self-awareness processes can offer life-changing results and help you manifest and co-create in ways that previously were found to be difficult or impossible. Being in a state of openness with a willingness to engage will welcome opportunities for spiritual growth and allow your life to evolve naturally.

Only $150

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