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Sunday, February 16
2:00pm — 3:00pm (UTC)
Online Session
If we define our reality by measuring the world with our senses, our environment, and what we have been taught, we believe that only what we perceive around us is real. The truth is that life on earth is a temporary illusion. In fact, everything in the physical world is transitory. The only true constant is love – the power that creates and expands. Love knows no judgment or criticism; love just is. It is the characteristics of love that draw people and situations to us. When we do something out of love, we create more love, but when we do something for the sake of money or fame, for instance, we may get those things, but our hearts and souls will be left empty. When we live with love, it affects us with positive characteristics such as joy, happiness, compassion, and laughter. Take a few minutes and review some of the decisions and choices you made in your life. Were they from a place of love or fear? If you are happy and fulfilled, you are living in a loving space. However, if you feel unfulfilled, anxious, or insecure, you have let fear run your life, and you are living in the illusion of truth. From this moment on, become mindful of the choices you make. If you make a choice and then worry about the outcome, you are coming from a place of fear, but if you do something that makes you happy, you are coming from love. With love, anything is possible.