Iridology & Nutrition Consultation
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Thursday, February 6
5:00pm — 6:30pm (UTC)
Online Session
“Your eyes are your connection to your nutritional needs.”
If you would like an iridology and sclerology analysis but live out of town, out of state, or out of the country, I can provide an online iridology analysis.
The only things I will need from you are to send me clear iris and sclera photos which taken either via digital camera or phone like the one I have provided here, plus 3 main area of your health complains and health goals.
This package works well for anyone looking to combining Nutritional Consulting with the Iridology analysis.
The combination of the two assessments provides a comprehensive review of a client’s health situation and offers advanced nutritional, herbal, and supplemental recommendations and lifestyle guidelines for improving health.
The genetic eye constitution can be reviewed. Each of these genetic eye constitutions has a different combination of nutrition needs, therefore by combining these two methods I can provide advance nutrition and a healing program designed specifically for each client.