Clinical Iridology Analysis
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Thursday, February 6
5:00pm — 6:00pm (UTC)
Online Session
What Your Eyes Are Trying to Tell You About Your Health?
If you would like an iridology and sclerology analysis but live out of town, out of state, or out of the country, I can provide an online iridology analyse.
The only things I will need from you are to send me clear iris and sclera photos which taken either via digital camera or phone like the ones I have provided here, plus 3 main area of your health complains and health goals.
You will receive a complete report of iris analysis including:
- The constitutional strength or weakness
- The primary nutritional needs of the body
- Which organs are in the greatest need of repair and rebuilding
- Hyperactivity or hypo activity of the organs, glands, or tissues
- The results of physical or mental fatigue or stress on the body
- A probable allergy to wheat
- Hormonal imbalances
and anything I think is important.