Neurotransmitter Testing & Brain Performance Optimization Consultation
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Friday, January 31
11:00pm — 12:00am (UTC)
Online Session
Optimal neurotransmitter balance is required to maintain proper overall health, and avoid adverse neurological and psychological symptoms. Imbalances can cause the body to be over or under-stimulated which can cause these adverse symptoms to appear over time. Our genetics, environmental factors, diet, and chemicals in the environment can all influence our neurotransmitter levels by affecting their production. While urinary neurotransmitter levels do not directly correlate to the neurotransmitter levels found in your brain, and cannot be used to diagnose neuropsychiatric conditions, neurotransmitter testing is a useful guide for therapies to help with conditions such as ADHD, PMS, insomnia, anxiety, depression, biopolar, and more. It can help your clinician to understand the root cause of your symptoms, and how to go about fixing these imbalances. Price also includes a 60 Minute Brain Performance Optimization Virtual Consultation. This consultation includes comprehensive health history, order for any necessary further labs or testing, comprehensive treatment plan to optimize brain health. All nootropic and other supplements/ medications, and any additional testing are extra.
This test includes: 14 Neurotransmitters and metabolites