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Tuesday, March 11

4:00pm — 5:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Evolve Healthcare by Dr Hayley LLC

Evolve Healthcare has been a virtual-based practice since 2019, providing convenient, affordable, and top quality care via a HIPAA compliant telehealth platform to anyone who resides in Arizona. Dr. Collinge is an expert in hormone, adrenal, thyroid and blood sugar issues, and is well-versed in hormone testing, and prescribing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men and woman. She also focuses on autoimmune and digestive issues, and has first hand experience managing celiac disease with nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle. She can tailor a diet specifically to your needs and your particular food intolerances, allergies, and health conditions. Dr. Collinge also provides help with brain health and optimizing brain function with the use of nootropics. She is also well-versed in immune system health and optimizing immune function. Please note that for anyone residing outside of the state of Arizona, Dr. Hayley can provide health advising services only. This means she cannot act as your primary care doctor, send you for labs/other testing, nor prescribe medications to you. She can still advise you on what to do for your health condition, and make recommendations to see your primary care physician in your state for any specific testing or prescriptions you may need. Please only select initial or follow-up virtual consultations from the services menu if you do not reside in Arizona. All service prices are in USD.

Celiac, IBS, Crohn's Array (CICA) Test & Digestive Health Consultation

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Tuesday, March 11

4:00pm — 5:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease where individuals cannot tolerate one crumb of gluten in their diet. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity can occur in some people who are not celiac, but still have adverse reactions when they ingest gluten. The CICA test is a comprehensive array that analyzes genetic predispostion and serologic components associated with Celiac and Crohn's disease. The test also tells you about intestinal inflammation and permeability which can occur in all three conditions. If you have gastrointestinal symptoms, autoimmune disorder, leaky gut, or suspet you have crohn's, celiac, or IBS then this test is for you. It can also benefit those diagnosed with chronic fatigue, malnutrition, nutritional deficiencies, unintended weight loss, skin rashes, or those who just want more health efficiency, or who live a high performance lifestyle such as athletes. Price includes 60 minute digestive health consultation. This consultation includes a comprehensive health history, interpretation of results, recommendations for further labs and testing, and a comprehensive health plan including diet, supplements, lifestyle, and other recommendations. Cost of supplements, medications, and any additional testing are extra.

This test includes: 

  • HLA typing for celiac disease: HLA-DQ2.5 and HLA-DQ8

  • Genetic markers for Crohn's: ATG16L1 and NOD2

  • Antibodies: Total Serum IgA, tTG (IgA and IgG), DCP (IgA and IgG) and Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA)

Only $870

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