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Tuesday, February 25

1:00am — 1:30am (UTC)

Online Session

The Wild Yoga Collective

The Wild Yoga Collective offers Ayurvedic Nutrition and lifestyle education, Yoga Classes, Outdoor Development Programs, Architectural Design and Energetic Bodywork.

Ayurveda is the nutritional and lifestyle partner science to Yoga. It's 5000 year old practices originated in India, however have grown to partner with and be supported by modern medical science. Ayurveda recognises the individuality of each person in body and mind and focusses on preventative health as well as fixing problem areas. In understanding and amending seasonal lifestyle and dietary needs we can work to help you reach your health goals. Ayurveda is a complimentary practice and can be used whilst receiving other forms of health care and fill in gaps where other modalities may not have solutions.

Ayurvedic Consultation

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Tuesday, February 25

1:00am — 1:30am (UTC)

Online Session

We will analyse your lifestyle, dietary, exercise, work and seasonal habits and discuss ways in which these can be improved from an Ayurvedic perspective. A lifestyle questionnaire will be required to be filled out prior to the consultation time so that appointment time can be spent coaching.

*Ayurveda is a complimentary practice and is not intended to replace the services and advice provided by a GP/MD. Nicki is currently a student of the Advanced Diploma of Ayurveda program at AHIFE and is offering this service at a significantly discounted rate on a coaching basis only. Individuals acknowledge that the steps they take in changing their diet and lifestyle are of their own accord and they should be discus with the GP/MD before making any major changes.

Only $40

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