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Monday, March 10

4:00pm — 4:55pm (UTC)

Online Session

nCircle Wellness

Helping women reconnect to their Higher Selves.-Bio-Energy Healing-Access Consciousness-Seichem Tera Mai-Workshops - Energy HealingBio - Energy Healing
Get your energy flowing as it should!

Bio-Energy is a powerful healing technique that flushes stuck energy out of the seven main chakras.  By restoring the natural flow, it allows your body to heal at all levels. Some of the benefits of Bio-Energy:-reduces physical pains and aches-clears eczema and allergies-releases emotions such as guilt, fear, anger, etc-increases confidence, creativity and energy levels-alleviates insomnia, anxiety, stress and depression-cuts unhealthy attachments and negative family loyalties-increases mental clarity and intuition.

A full treatment of Bio Energy consists of 5 sessions: 4 consecutive sessions (4 days in a row, or once a week for 4 weeks in a row)-a follow up session, 3-5 weeks after the last consecutive one.
The sessions are primarily no-touch. The client stands for most of the time as the practitioner flushes out energy blockages.

Seichem Tera MaiConnect with Source Seichem is a deep healing technique from the traditions of ancient Egypt.   It channels the energy of the elements of Earth(Reiki), Fire (Sakara),  Air (Angeliclight), and Water (Sophi-El.) It  brings intention through more than 35 symbols.
These are some of the benefits of Seichem:-reduces physical pain-releases emotional blockages-helps to change negative mental patterns-heals memory of trauma at cellular and DNA level-connects with inner child-releases paid karma, and mistakes of our ancestors-helps through changes-grounds-calls for abundance-manifests desires-integrates our four bodies-raises consciousness-connects to higher wisdom.

The client lies down on a massage table, fully clothed. Slight hand touch is applied.

Access Consciousness Bars Access Consciousness Bars unlocks limitation of thoughts, feelings and emotions.   It prepares you to open up to infinite possibilities, so that your life flows with ease, joy and abundance! The benefit of running the Bars is that it deletes erroneous beliefs about healing, creativity, money, aging, control, etc.

It helps with:-stress reduction-better sleep, concentration and relaxation-ADD and ADHD--making fast change in habits. A session is about 1 hr long. The client lies down on a massage table, fully clothed. Slight touch to different parts of the head will be applied.

Ceremonial Drumming sessions Drumming has been used by many cultures as a mean for healing, mourning and celebrating.  The drumming sessions I'm offering can be done for an individual person, a person accompanied by another, or a small group.  The sessions can stand alone or be combined with any of the other healing modalities I practice.

Benefits:-releasing of emotions-processing the loss of a dear one, a relationship, etc.-celebrating an event-grounding-anchoring affirmations. (Sliding Scale Available for those in need)

Coaching sessions

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Monday, March 10

4:00pm — 4:55pm (UTC)

Online Session

This is a session were I incorporate all of my knowledge to help the client understand the blokages that are preventing her healing.

Only $55

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