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Thursday, March 13

2:00pm — 3:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Global Healing Matrix

BODYTALK SYSTEM Neuromuscular Biofeedback to restore the body's natural healing ability.

AKASHIC RECORDS Discover your true self.

SPIRITUAL LIFE COACH Learn to manifest your greatest potential and unlock unlimited happiness.

Akashic Records Reading

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Thursday, March 13

2:00pm — 3:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Akashic Records are the individual records of a soul from the time it extends from Source until it returns. At the time we make the decision to experience life in 3D on this planet, there is a field of energy created to record every thought, word, emotion and action generated by that experience. That field of energy is the Akashic Records and its objective is to record all life experience.

The greatest benefit you can get out of an Akashic Records reading is healing. By asking a question about any subject will generate healing in that specific area naturally. A health concern could quite possibly be on the top of your list for a topic to consider. While this is not suggestive of a cure and cannot replace a physician’s advice, there are some conditions that are actually manifestations of a deeper spiritual ailment. The physical world is tethered to the spiritual and a deep understanding of what plagues your soul will help you unburden your body.
1. What is the source of my issue with (health concern)?
2. What can I do to lessen the frequency or severity of my issue with (health condition)?

It is often natural to have an ongoing love/hate relationship with the ones you are connected to by blood or marriage. While many people of different races have been opting for genetic DNA tests, the Akashic Records can be another source to consider if you have questions about your familiar roots. This may even help you start the conversation of ancestry with other family members.
1. What is the purpose of my relationship with (relative’s name)?
2. Who are my ancestors and where did they come from?

For those of you with natural metaphysical gifts, empaths, psychics, or mediums, the Akashic Records is a great place for all of your burning questions! The Akashic Records can provide a great place for guidance, and can really jump start any creative project that you would like to know more about or develop.
1. What gifts, talents, and abilities did I bring with me into this lifetime?
2. How can I deepen my spiritual journey?

Be mindful of the fact that an Akashic reading does not have to be a formal Q&A. Just sharing your concerns with your me, your practitioner will allow me to guide you and consider the best questions to ask on your behalf. Release the reins to myself, as much as to the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones that will be with you to thoughtfully offer you loving guidance.

Only $125

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