General Naturopathic Consultation (Initial)
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Monday, March 10
4:00pm — 5:30pm (UTC)
Online Session
Dr. Hayley is a Naturopathic Physician who has been practicing for over 6 years in the US. In 2020, she moved back to her native BC to help clients in Canada. She is well-versed in conditions involving hormones (including thyroid and adrenal conditions), digestive health, autoimmune disease and immune system health, blood sugar and insulin problems, cardiovascular conditions, cognitive and mental health conditions, weight loss, and more. She utilizes both nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals, nutrition, and lifestyle measures to help you achieve optimal health. This consultation is up to 90 minutes in length, and involves taking a comprehensive health history, looking at the medications and supplements you are already on, ordering any necessary labs for further investigation of your medical condition/s, and the formulation of an individualized and comprehensive treatment plan specific to you. If you have any condition that can not be fully evaluated via telemedicine, Dr. Hayley may recommend a trip to your primary care physician or walk-in clinic for things like physical exams and further testing such as diagnostic imaging. Since BC only covers laboratories under MSP if they are ordered by an MD, it is advisable to have lab tests completed through your MD. If this is not possible, Dr. Hayley can run these labs, but there will be out-of-pocket fees associated. Supplements are also generally not covered by insurance. On request, Dr. Hayley can provide a receipt that you can submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement of services and other associated expenses. No reimbursement is guaranteed and it is solely at the discretion of your insurer whether any reimbursement will be forthcoming.