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Monday, March 10

4:00pm — 4:15pm (UTC)

Online Session

Anmore Health & Wellness

Dr. Baspaly provides Naturopathic medical care in Port Moody and Coquitlam for both acute and chronic conditions as well as preventative medicine. Dr. Baspaly has a comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing with a focus of treating the cause in order for the patient to realize their optimum health potential.

Naturopathic Medicine is effective at treating a variety of conditions. By integrating a philosophy of prevention and holistic care, access to a wide spectrum of diagnostic tools and the ability to utilize a vast range of treatment options Naturopathic Physicians are able to treat each patient as a unique individual.

Dr. Baspaly has a strong interest in treating the following:
Women’s Health menopause, hot flashes, PMS, menstrual disorders, painful periods, fertility, pre-conception care, prenatal care, female organ disorders.

Digestive Health constipation, diarrhea, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, IBD, food allergies and sensitivities, heart burn, GERD.

Musculoskeletal acute and chronic muscle and joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, injuries.

Immune System cold/flu’s, allergies, hay fever, asthma, auto-immune conditions.

Hormonal and Metabolic Conditions obesity, weight loss, diabetes, thyroid, adrenal, female/male hormone balancing.

Cardiovascular high blood pressure, high cholesterol, circulation.

Skin Conditions eczema, acne, psoriasis, fungal infections, dermatitis.

Paediatric Health Well child exams, vaccination support, food introduction, food sensitivities, behavioural disorders.

Mental Health Stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, insomnia.

Other fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome

Discovery Session

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Monday, March 10

4:00pm — 4:15pm (UTC)

Online Session

Discovery Session

Only $0

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