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Saturday, March 8

2:00pm — 3:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Inclusive Communities Consulting & Life Skills

Coaching, Consulting, Workshops and Public Speaking in the following areas.

Overcoming Life's Obstacles: The goals of this session are to give people tools to help them overcome some of life’s obstacles they will face, and to find motivation to make the change. At the end of this session, participants will have a better understanding of the impact that negative influences can have, and how to eliminate the negative, focus on positive and make changes in their lives.

Building Inclusive Communities: The major objective of this session is to engage people and develop a better understanding of the barriers that people face in life, and the importance of Inclusive Communities. This session will give participants tools to use when advocating for people. By having people collectively promoting inclusiveness in their professional and personal lives, it will also promote inclusive communities.

Employment Skills: The Growing Employment Skills and Training (G.E.S.T.) program was created to help people who are struggling with employment. This program is designed to give people tools to assist with their job search and teach them how to stand out from other applicants. For people who would like to start their own business, the G.E.S.T program can help. From deciding what business you would like to start, to developing a business plan, these topics will help get you started.


Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Saturday, March 8

2:00pm — 3:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Coaching focused onLosing motivation, why people fall into a hole they can’t get out of.Where negative influences come from, and how they impact our lives. Where to begin when there is no hope. Finding the motivation How to develop a positive support network.Making the change.How to face the challenges of change and keep moving forward

Only $150

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