The Hormonal Balance Package
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Thursday, March 13
7:00pm — 10:00pm (UTC)
Online Session
In the one-on-one initial nutrition consult we will go over your health goals, concerns, history, current diet, emotional status, and lifestyle with in depth intake forms, getting to the root cause of your health concerns together. After this meeting, I create a custom, personalized protocol that provides, dietary, supplementation and lifestyle recommendations that get you feeling your absolute best! All protocols are tailored specifically to your nutritional deficiencies, exact health needs and preferences.
Do you struggle with PMS symptoms such as cramps, mood swings, tender breasts, bloating before or during your period? You have to brace yourself, warn your boyfriend, or schedule social events around it?
Is your period irregular or non-existent?
Do you have extremely heavy or painful periods?
Are you struggling with cystic acne and have tried every blemish stick, cleanser, and foundation under the sun?
Do you have random mood swings out of nowhere?
Do you eat well and just can’t lose any belly weight?
Are experiencing hair loss or unwanted hair growth?
Are you experiencing low libido?
Do you have cystic ovaries or PCOS?
Are you sick of having hot flashes and night sweats?
Do you have insomnia or restless sleeps?
Lots of these issues relate to hormonal conditions that can be overcome through holistic nutrition and lifestyle changes recommended through a one-on-one nutritional consultation protocol.
- Initial Consultation
- First Protocol:
A fully customized dietary plan, complete with foods to include and avoid, individualized to your specific needs
A clinician based supplementation protocol with professional line supplements that will work synergistically with the rest of your plan and are delivered to your door
Lifestyle choices to implement to optimize your well being
Follow Up Session
Second Updated Protocol
Each protocol plan lasts between 4 - 6 weeks depending on your specific goals. After the allotted time period, we have a follow up session and I update your plan with any supplemental or dietary changes, continuing the next steps that will bring you closer to your goal of optimal health.
I am available for any questions or concerns throughout the entire length of the protocol.