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Saturday, March 15

6:00pm — 7:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Nourished Union

We believe that living wellness is a right to all humans. That living in balanced mind, body and soul is more than a 'nice to have' on a to-do list. It is a right to all living beings and a way of living.

Our mind-body-emotions-senses know how to heal and be in balance, much like nature. Though for most of us, this busy, bustling world has taken us off balance. Nourished Union believes in living well everywhere we go, in all aspects of life. Whether at home, work, on the road, or with family/friends – living your most conscious and connected life allows you to experience the now, come into balance and achieve living your most meaningful life.
We believe in WELL WITHOUT BORDERS. Living well anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

Nourished Union focuses on a truly holistic approach of balancing the mind, body, emotions and senses by leveraging the ancient practices of Yoga and Ayurveda, and applying them in the modern world. We leverage scientific research to support teaching these great tools and practices, along with coaching guidance on HOW to integrate the knowledge in a tangible way. We focus our work on lowering the affects of stress, balancing the nervous system and living consciously through preventative holistic health.

The Stress Detox Program (3-mth program)

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Saturday, March 15

6:00pm — 7:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Stress is a natural part of life. However the habits we've created over our lifetime to deal with stress can often cause greater harm. This coaching 3-month coaching series offers 1:1 care on identifying the stressors in your life, the habits you've created and learning new tools and techniques to change your patterns. By responding vs reacting in daily life, you will learn how to manage the many stresses that surround you, and without taking on the physical effects that can harm our overall health.Our Re-Tune Program is designed specific to YOUR needs. With the support of a personal wellness coach, you will stay motivated and accountable with two monthly coaching sessions, and a personalized wellness routine that meets your personal lifestyle and wellness goals. We will design a holistic self-care daily ritual for you that will achieve removing the current stress, and begin to change the neuro-pathways of your brain to respond with greater calm and ease in daily life.We work to understand your personal health challenges (past and present) and help to re-tune you to live in your version of balance, and keep you accountable to meet your personal goals along the way.This coaching program provides guidance and support in overall well-being. Focusing on many areas of life that include: adopting positive lifestyle practices, managing stress, eating healthy, igniting and sustaining creative energy, and cultivating mindfulness for overall well-being, while keeping you accountable to transforming your life.Program includes:- 2 monthly sessions for 6 months- Programs and sequences focused on balancing your needs (physically, mentally, emotionally)- monthly recommended recipes for your balancing your needs

Only $1,495

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