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Thursday, March 13

4:00pm — 5:00pm (UTC)

Online Session


Let’s Yoga is here to illuminate the yogi in people — whether you’re a millennial in need of a quick morning energy boost , or a professional looking for some distress during the day or a working women or a well being enthusiast eager to explore the world of yoga to reap more harmony in life.
We all know that we are unique in our own way with our own capabilities well the same mantra goes with our body too. It's not necessary that you have to bend like a bow or stand straight like a tree to do Yoga. All yoga requires is a movement of your body with the sync of your breath.

We help you find and choose among the asanas that you are comfortable with and blend them into your daily practice.

Attend a private virtual yoga class or a in-home yoga class from the comfort of your home or on the go or call us home to guide you. We offer one hour well being sessions which are blend of yoga asanas, pranayama, and dhyana!

Beginner Yoga- Hip Opening Yoga Sequence

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Thursday, March 13

4:00pm — 5:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Asanas- 40 min
Prnayama- 10 minutes
Dhayana- 10 minutes

Hip Opener Yoga Sequences are the set of 15 Asanas like the foundational sequences to be practiced in order to open the muscles close to the hips and the upper legs, thus providing strength to the lower back.

The many muscles of the hip provide freedom of movement, strength and stability to the hip joint, and thigh bones. Thus, working on opening the muscles around the hip is a must for most yoga poses.

Les séquences de yoga d'ouverture de la hanche sont comme les séquences de base à pratiquer afin d'ouvrir les muscles proches des hanches et du haut des jambes, fournissant ainsi de la force au bas du dos.

Les nombreux muscles de la hanche offrent liberté de mouvement, force et stabilité à l'articulation de la hanche et aux os de la cuisse. Ainsi, travailler sur l'ouverture des muscles autour de la hanche est un must pour la plupart des poses de yoga.

Only $75

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