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Thursday, March 13

4:00pm — 5:00pm (UTC)

Online Session


Let’s Yoga is here to illuminate the yogi in people — whether you’re a millennial in need of a quick morning energy boost , or a professional looking for some distress during the day or a working women or a well being enthusiast eager to explore the world of yoga to reap more harmony in life.
We all know that we are unique in our own way with our own capabilities well the same mantra goes with our body too. It's not necessary that you have to bend like a bow or stand straight like a tree to do Yoga. All yoga requires is a movement of your body with the sync of your breath.

We help you find and choose among the asanas that you are comfortable with and blend them into your daily practice.

Attend a private virtual yoga class or a in-home yoga class from the comfort of your home or on the go or call us home to guide you. We offer one hour well being sessions which are blend of yoga asanas, pranayama, and dhyana!

Beginner Yoga- Yoga for Weight loss

Want to book instantly? Our one-click booking feature provides you with the best option.

Thursday, March 13

4:00pm — 5:00pm (UTC)

Online Session

Losing weight is increasingly becoming an obsession and a mental challenge. The struggles are real, making many individuals push limits and worse - starting to hate their bodies.

Most people believe that yoga does not help in weight loss as it has more to do with stretches and not burning calories. While yoga might not give immediate results, the gradual stretching of the muscles and the skin will eventually tone the body and help in losing fat. Encourage your students to start slow, and understand their body with its limitations. Teach them to be patient, since losing weight and/or calories in the slow yet gradual way has greater impact, and does not harm their muscles or deplete important minerals.

We encourage our students to incorporate the yoga sequence for weight loss into their early mornings' fitness regime, for best results. This will also help reduce constant food cravings throughout the day.

Perdre du poids devient de plus en plus une obsession et un défi mental. Les luttes sont réelles, poussant de nombreuses personnes à repousser leurs limites et pires - elles commencent à détester leur corps.

La plupart des gens croient que le yoga n'aide pas à perdre du poids car il a plus à voir avec les étirements et ne pas brûler de calories. Bien que le yoga ne donne pas de résultats immédiats, l'étirement progressif des muscles et de la peau finira par tonifier le corps et aider à perdre de la graisse. Encouragez vos élèves à commencer lentement et à comprendre leur corps avec ses limites. Apprenez-leur à être patients, car perdre du poids et / ou des calories de manière lente mais graduelle a un impact plus important et ne nuit pas à leurs muscles et n'épuise pas les minéraux importants.

Nous encourageons nos élèves à intégrer la séquence de yoga pour perdre du poids dans leur programme de remise en forme tôt le matin, pour de meilleurs résultats. Cela aidera également à réduire les fringales constantes tout au long de la journée.

Only $115

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