Beginner Yoga- Yoga for lowerback and hamstrigs to avoid Sciatica
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Thursday, March 13
4:00pm — 5:00pm (UTC)
Online Session
Sciatica or Lumbar radiculopathy refers to the pain related to the irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The pain typically starts from the lumbar spine moving down to the legs. Sciatica nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, and many underlying problems can cause pain. Since the sciatic pains could vary significantly from each other, hence understanding the root cause of the pain and inflammation is important.
The sequence can help students manage the symptoms with the practice of yoga poses for hips, yoga poses for hamstrings, and yoga poses for lower back. These poses are carefully curated to enable proper blood circulation across the entire lower body, especially the legs, starting from the base of the spine. The sequence can benefit students who have a history of sciatica. Over time regular practice can help strengthen the lumbar spine, keeping the symptoms of sciatica in control.