Well & Worth It


Well & Worth It

Holistic Money Coaching

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Vancouver, BC





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About Well & Worth It

Holistic Financial Planning
When it comes to your financial plan, we are used to the idea that you see one person to deal with your investments and another person to deal with your insurance….then deal with the bank for your mortgage and loans, and figure out how to optimize your cash flow habits on your own.

Holistic Financial Planning offers an integrative way for you to manage your money, your finances including your hopes and dreams, and stresses.

Money Coaching
Money Coaching is a step-by-step process that helps you to understand and become more present to your subconscious patterns and behaviours around money. As you become more self-aware, you are able to create greater financial balance and transform your relationship with money.

People often feel lost when it comes to money and don’t know how to find a way to change, much less how to get to the other side of their conflicting thoughts, feelings and behaviours about money.
A Money Coach serves as a bridge: she helps you identify the origin of your unconscious patterns and provides on-going guidance and support so that you can move beyond your limiting money beliefs and behaviours.

Cash Flow Planning
Do you wonder where your money is going? Do you look at your bank account and wonder where it all went, and how it happened? Often our subconscious behaviours and our emotions take charge of our spending habits, and we end up ‘leaking’ money.

In order to stem the flow, we may try to budget. But budgets don’t work for most people when it comes to day-to-day spending. (Do you really have to give up your lattes forever if you want to be financially responsible?) You’re probably not going to stick to a plan if it cuts out what you love. There has to be a better way.

We know from neuro-economics that money has a profound effect on our brains and our emotions and vice versa.

A Behavioural Cash Flow Plan (BCFP) incorporates Behavioural Finance research to help you rearrange your spending to some extend, but unlike a budget, it won’t feel like limiting yourself. There are no tedious categories to figure out.

A BCFP is a better way to get more life from your money, and reach your dreams faster…. and most importantly, with less stress.