Soul Method Healing


Soul Method Healing

EFT Practitioner

5.0 (0)


Vancouver, BC





5.0 (0)

About Soul Method Healing

Her approach has foundations in traditional psychology, but she is an EFT practitioner, using Ho'oponopono, shamanism, NLP, hypnosis, the Law of Attraction, art therapy, farm/horticulture therapy and many other modalities to clear persistent blocks faster and more thoroughly.

Susheela explored EFT to overcome her own blocks and was so amazed at how well it continually worked on so many different types of issues, that she had to share it! She practices this and other modalities combined to an advanced level and her intuitive/perceptive nature has played a huge part in the success of many of her clients who are continually and pleasantly surprised at how this method seems to restore people to their optimal self - and in some cases allows people to finally get to know him/herself for the very first time!

Susheela is continually taking courses and is most interested in areas concerning plasticity of the brain, human behavioural biology, quantum physics and organic & biodynamic farming. For the past couple years, the need to return to nature, gardening & farming are a big part of her life and lifestyle changes.