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Free Online Clinic

The following services are graciously offered by our practitioners at free or reduced rates.


Yoga for Healing



Tomomi Okada Yoga

5.0 (0)

May all listen to their inner voice and always be walking with it. I can help you shift from living based on your thoughts and brain, to living based on feeling your own heart and listening to your inner voice. By revealing the layers of thoughts one by one, and experiencing the feeling of meeting and touching the stillness. To be able to stay in the depth of the heart, softly and gently. In the session, we will begin with counselling and I will create your unique custom healing using Yoga Philosophy/Mindfulness/Meditation/Breathing Exercises/Chanting/Physical Postures (Hatha, Flow, Yin)/Yoga Nidra. All of these can approach your issues from inside of the mind and heart to heal yourself holistically. This session is meant for everybody, including those who know their own concerns and problems clearly. It can also help people clouded by their issues, having feelings that cannot be expressed by words. Or having anxiety with expectations or judgements from other people in your life. If you have something you cannot talk with anyone and want to get out of deep grief or suffering, let me help you. If there are scars in your heart that cannot be released and have been held for too long, yoga is the path to wellness. If you’re having low self-esteem and don’t know which way to go even though you have kept moving forward. Through these practices, you will make forward progress to having a life livelier and happier. I am looking forward to meeting you!


Counselling Service



Sorella Counselling

5.0 (0)

Pre-booked flexible appointment


Life Coaching



Coaching at Crossroads

5.0 (0)

Transformational coaching is a journey of 6 sessions over 4 to 5 months


Find Your Balance Guide



Kristen Mara Nutrition

5.0 (0)

Initial consultation and 7 day plan to kickstart your health journey





Live Fully Counseling

5.0 (0)

professional counseling